Your Guide to Backyard Composting

Did you know that 57% of the garbage going to landfill from homes could be composted? 22% is yard waste and the other 35% is food waste. These materials contribute to methane gas and leachate pollution in the landfill. Compost these items at home and create a nutrient-rich soil amendment (compost) to use in your yard and garden instead!

1. Layer Browns and Greens–an equal proportion of carbon-rich (Browns) and nitrogen-rich (Greens) materials provide the bin with a “balanced diet”.

2. Add water–when your compost bin gets dry, add water (rain water if possible). The material should be as moist as a wrung-out sponge.

3. Add oxygen–the micro-organisms and bacteria in the bin require oxygen so stir or aerate your bin 3-4 times per month (in spring, summer, and fall). Use a pitchfork, old hockey stick or an aerating tool.

Place your compost bin where you can easily access it in both summer and winter, and where the heat from the sun will contribute to the decomposition process.